Monday, October 22, 2012

Under construction/ Hello post


Hello, welcome to my beta blog site. I'm using this as a test run to my actual website/blog. Feel free to ask, follow, view, or comment at any time concerning my blog and its future contents.

Blog Future Contents

I plan to make this an info blog about zombies and the fun topic of a Zombie Apocalypse, whether or not we agree or disagree of the plausibility of it actually occurring. That will be my main goal, but I may end up do more with this. :)

I may end up doing more absolutely morbid topics more plausible to you as a reader such as:
  • The next World War 
  • Nuclear War
  • Epidemics
  • Terrorism
  • Governmental Collapse
So on and on.... morbid topics never cease. That's what makes them so fun to play with. We always think we're safe, but what if it happens tomorrow. Some of us prepare for them, but not all. We'll talk more later because right now I gotta  learn the basic of getting this page up then we'll start shooting up them topics. :)
Hopefully, i can learn this fast. I think you'll know it when you see it. LOL

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