Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Qualities of Survival: Individuals

Yes, we seen it in the movies, played it in games, read it in books. But are we prepared? Are you prepared? Everyone has their own ideas and theories as how to best survive the ZA. The fact remains that we’re all different in strengths and weaknesses and we’ll have to take that into account during the ZA.

I’m going to split this into 2 parts: Individuals and Society.

There are qualities unique to each individual that breaths. This difference in quality is deeper than the learning to fend for yourself. It’s more than being the “Right Stuff” as stated in an article I read. It is merely a list of factors that improve your chances of surviving. These factors can be used in other parts of real world:


Personality Type

Personality is a significant part of survival. Unfortunately, it lives as a double-edge blade. Having the wrong personality at any given time can lead to your death just as quickly as it can save you.

  • Introverted
  • Extraverted

This will greatly affect your strategy if a zombie outbreak occurs tomorrow. Extraverted people have a tendency to attract people to them. These people will create or join groups and develop friendships and bonds very easily. You see it all the time- at work, school, and home. These people will probably contribute to the revival of humanity and its governments, if a ZA occurs.

hbpro-personality-types1-300x251Introverted people have a high tendency to be alone. These individuals will most likely be lone wolf travellers. They may break down and die. I’m not saying joining a group is guarantee of life and survival. Nope, far from it. I just stated things as is. On some occasions, they may run with groups for however long they deem fit. They will keep a distance from others for many reasons, ranging from responsibility of others to something as simple as avoidance of relationships. They don’t need to be outcast, they want to be. Depending on the group, introverted individual may be ostracized. Even if you are talented a fending for the group. It’s human nature. Talent breeds jealousy, jealousy breeds hate, hate leads to ostracizing. That one of many paths it can go on the negative side. It might not be that way for you. Good for you. Unfortunately, not all people will be as lucky. These individuals will be experienced in defending themselves when stranded alone, due to experience as lone wolf. They will possibly contribute to gathering strays and keeping them alive long enough for revival to begin.

enneagram_alltypesSome people will make choices that affect everyone else. This will affect the group’s survival. Some will have a solely self-preservation mentality even in a group. These people are dangerous and will do what it takes to survive. Nothing short of killing you. People aren’t book. They are harder to read than most anything. Knowing a person’s motives can give you a glimpse into their personality. Helpful if you’ll be picking up strays. Lots of motives, lots of personality, lots of trouble.

Personality will also determine who you will be when your world crash and burns. Will you be strong and help others when you don’t have the answers? Will you be the leader or the follower? Will you boost morale or kill it? People aren’t going to be the what you see once disaster strikes. Your friends/family can easily become your worst enemies, given the right situation.


This is your fitness and health. Are you working out, exercising, eating right, etc. Or are you a potato couch? Eating chips and watching soap all day. Bah! I can’t say I’m on either of those extremes, but I make do. Watch what you do. If you’re a potato couch and the Zombie Outbreak happens in your neighborhood, chances are you won’t outrun them (even if you wanted to).

Health is what conditions do you have. Are you a strong, normal kid/adult? Yes? No? Maybe? The objective of this part is for you to be aware of your status. Do you have asthma and will collapse at the sight of blood? Are you diabetic and need Insulin shots everyday or you’ll succumb to a diabetic coma? Do you have a mental illness? Physical disability?  Make plans in case what you need is no longer there. Your inhaler is empty and the stores are leveled. Your Insulin ran out and the city’s flooded over your head. Know your limitations. Make plans. BEFORE disaster strike!


This is dealing with your intellect. If you don’t know what is endangering you, then you might not survive against it. Things to ask yourself:

  • What do you know about a given subject?
  • What can you learn?
  • How fast can I learn?
  • How long can it be retained?

August-22-2011-18-10-22-Stivers121202KnowledgeispowerChances are you have heard of something about what your danger. If it’s a zombie outbreak, answer the above questions AND find out about the cause as soon as possible. How does it spread? I know, I know. But just in case it spread another way. What are the signs of infection? How to postpone it, if able? How to dispose of it? That would be how to rid the world of infected corpse after taking them out. Basically, ask relevant questions and seek answers to them.

Instincts/Common Sense

This is luck, intuition, and good old common sense. Yes, luck is a factor. You can do all the right things and your luck can be bloody horrible. For example, you can be the world’s greatest law-abiding do-good driver and get in a life-threatening car crash in a blink of an eye. Others will not be playing by your rules. Don’t expect them to.

Intuition is a fascinating thing to me. You don’t have to be a psychic to have it. You don’t even have to be born with it. You just have it for however long you have it. It’s a tool like luck. Miracle occur because of it. People survive the most incredible situations just because of the “gut” feeling they have. Some people not so living because of it. Some people have said they know the exact moment they’ll die, but rather than prevent their fate they choose to go ahead and execute the process. Basically, they “chose their fate.” That I don’t understand… like, at all.

Common sense is basically everyday intuition. It can be learned. Unfortunately, I doubt some people have it. It is critical thinking by applying knowledge from an experience one lives through to one they have not. A universal example is touching the hot object. When you were a kid, you thought that glowing stove element was pretty. You like the warmth. There was no way it could possibly hurt you. Nope. You know the truth. It BURNS! Now what did you do when you saw the fire? Or that lighter? You learn to test it first, haha.


outsidetheboxIn a phrase: “Thinking outside the box.” There will be times when the normal ways will not work. You try, try, try. But it’s not going your way. Think of something else. If that doesn’t work, think of something better. I wouldn’t put this under the learnable skills area. You have it or you don’t.


Surviving: Everyone thinks they can, but the truth is we’ll never know until it actually happens.

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