Sunday, October 28, 2012

Are Zombies Real?

Many have asked the question. Others have brushed it off thinking it only a horror myth. Either way humanity has not been given a clean-cut answer. My answer to you is yes, but my answer will depend on the situation you present.

Tools in the making?

images-experimentsWhy, you say? Or better yet, how? Look around at our present era. What can we do now that past generation would marvel to think of: cloning organisms, biogenetics research, creating technologies like the iPhones, nanotech, , nuclear generators, drone planes. Technology and research is great, but who will draw the line when the research goes too far? Don’t believe me? Scientists have been mixing human DNA with those of some animals for a while now. the one I know of is the Chinese snake-humanoid. What a wonder some of us believe that zombie can exist!
I’m only glad I can sleep at night because there are other individuals (one of us) trying to keep the scientists in line so something like Frankenstein's monster doesn’t become a reality. It’s only a matter of time before something horrific happens (not like mixing human DNA with a snake isn’t already bad).

The Daily Zombies

looks so familiar....hhmWiping out the zombie myth from our heads this very instant, I would answer yes to the symptoms of zombie-ism in normal human since the beginning of humanity. It’s called conformity. You can find it in schools, social groups, and malls on Black Friday. The Black Friday one is scary to me. Bunch of people running and tripping each other to get discounted items… sadly, some even die in the process. I can just picture it- all they need is fake blood all over their clothes and a taste for human flesh then our debate and questions would be answered in an instant.

Classic Zombies

I know all of you weren’t really looking for the “consumer” zombies in the paragraph above, but that’s a real one alright. Now let’s move to the real reason you been searching for this site/blog.
7_last_man_on_earthWe’ve seen it in movies, games, and on television. The reanimated dead, resurrected by some “possibly unknown” cause. People are running for their lives, all the while not knowing what from. The cities are in havoc. Millions or more dead in a short span of time. The rest are fighting for the next dawn. Hiding, hunting, scavenging, doing whatever to stay alive.
It makes me laugh though to think that people actually believe bodies can move and not break into a pile of decayed pile of flesh and bone without being remotely alive. Yes, I said it. They are alive. They may not be human, but they are alive. Think about it, scientifically. Can any organism known to man move without a brain? Can their bone be held together by flesh that should be tearing at the seems? Is shooting a dead body going to kill a dead body? If the classic version of zombies exist, we are screwed. I may be a pessimist, but I’m a logical pessimist. The human brain begins to decay/liquefy within 5 minutes after death. The cells can be alive for a few more days after death, but not the brain. If there was a virus that can reanimate the dead, blowing their heads off won’t do much other than to slow their progress. The virus will reanimate the body’s cells, not the brain (which would be nonexistent by then). In this reality, humanity is extinct. No debate, no flame wars.

The Realistic Zombie

This is what I believe will be the ones that will hunt us if zombies are plausibly existent. They are alive. They are former human, still living. They breath. They will need to eat, and  to drink. These will have a fully functioning brain. A human brain. How advanced in their knowledge? I don’t know. But they will possibly be in a similar situation a an Alzheimer’s patient. They will not remember who they were. But, unlike Alzheimer’s patients, their memories seeped away until nothing was left except the basic animal we are: the savage. This zombie will require brain-splattering to be stopped.
28 Weeks Later - Poster 32 (2007)This reality will be caused by something realistic: a virus(possibly a derivative of the current Rabies strain), a bioweapon made by an international terrorist group, a man-made experiment gone wrong, a mad scientist damned obsession, or something like Resident Evil, an intentional outbreak.
In this possibility, we can survive. As humans, as a race, as a society. We have enough humans that are gung-ho with guns. A full-fledge army of trained solders all around the world. Our only setback? the unknown. We can prepare for it all we want but we all know preparing and living it are 2 completely different things. Nevertheless, preparing will give us a better chance of survival. The unknown will cost us dearly. If Hurricane Katrina were a measure of our preparedness as a society, we are in a very, very big trouble. The slow response of government aid at the beginning is to be expected. This will be to not believing what they obviously see and act quickly enough to hinder its spread. They will act once its already too late, like during Katrina. We will be on our own.
This reality there is a debate among many what will actually happen when the outbreak occurs. Possibly more than debate…

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