Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone!
"May the nightmares begin, mwahahaha!"

I just wanted to wish you a safe and very enjoyable night.
It's one of my favorite times of the year! Time to bring out the monster in you and run amok. Put that costume on and scare some kids. Seriously, do it. It's fun. Also, try not to get too much of a sugar high. As much as I'd like to see some enthusiastic Trick-or-Treaters getting pranked, I'd rather you all remain whole. and sane, if possible. (Doubting that comment if you enter a haunted house, haha.)

I'll be happy to know what you did for your Halloween.
Haunted house? Cruel, but hilarious pranks? Horror flicks? Company

Reminder: Don't drink and drive! (Or any weird things like it...)

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