Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Spoiler] Resident Evil: Retribution


I saw it a few days ago and I was blown away by the new additions. I missed a few movies after the original. A mutation in the T-virus? A really fugly way to be killed. It’s like Alien’s facehuggers meets the living dead. The way it used it’s quad-tongue to taste-smell for prey was a horrific thing to view. So many different things since the original.  Even Alice had a surprise! I wouldn’t ruin that part for you, so you’ll have to watch it if you want to know. Never mind, you probably saw the trailer already.


Things I wondered about

Yes, I thought about a few ideas about Resident Evil and the paths that could have been taken in certain situations and my general reactions. Here are my thoughts:

The Girl

I don’t think a kid that age would be able to NOT scream when zombie-man does the taste-smell thing. I would shiz my pants if that happened to me! I would probably die from shizzing before I meet Death’s door. Just being realistic.

The Templates

Why didn’t Ada Wong activate Alice clone templates to make an army? I know it’s been done in the previous film. But that would have been handy. Plus more Alice in sexy jumpsuit! I think we could use something like that if a real one ever happens. Also, if Ada Wong didn’t choose to make an Alice Army, then why didn’t Wesker? I know he wanted the original, but think of the benefit. Side note: I’m going to laugh if I ever find out Alice and Wesker were related. It would make sense to me. It’s also just me thinking these scenarios, but I think Alice could have started her own cloning project in Extinction. If I was in that position I would make an army of me, use that base as a safehaven and send out my clones in units for rescuing survivors and bring them back to base to clone them also. Hence, what I would dub Project Genesis.

A Professional Example

Why were these zombie harder to kill than those in previous films? I know, mutation, right? That answer doesn’t work for me. It’s one thing to have a quad-tongue zombie and another that revives consecutively after taking several shots to the head and getting their neck broken each time. This is a perfect scene that summarizes the classic zombie in my previous post.

The Plagis Undead: W…T…F…

It’s enough to shiz oneself trying to kill a horde of zombies that don’t stay dead after repeated gung-ho-ness, but this was overkill. Umbrella Corp. made a batch that were actually intelligent? These were actually thinking like humans!  They were equipped with weapons: RPG, rifles, heck… even a chainsaw! And they could use them. We heard of people that say that they would equip themselves with a chainsaw during a zombie outbreak, but it was different to watch the opposite scenario happen. A chainsaw-wielding zombie!

Yes, I know some of you think Resident Evil isn’t good enough or not a realistic zombie film. All I can say about this is that it’s definitely different from the others of its kind. Not just only bloody gore and a group of people fighting for survival. It has science, romance (Alice and Carlos-ish), mother-daughter bond, and best of all- a story. Think of it as James Bond meets Zombies unlimited. Haha.

Let me know know what you thought about it.

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